Why small farms count
We believe small farms count to Australia’s agricultural landscape and communities a WHOLE lot. So much so that we’ve launched a nation wide survey to hear from small scale farmers . So, why do small farms matter so much? Here’s a few reasons.
Food security
Shocks and changes across communities and the country cause less disruption to localised systems. We saw clearly over the height of the pandemic that it was small farms, small food retailers and distributors that were able to pivot their models rapidly in response to the emerging crisis. There is a growing demand for this kind of food, and access to fresh food is not a given in every Australian neighborhood. Creating more opportunities for more small farms to pop up across the country is imperative to improving this.
Additionally, smaller scale enterprises hedge their success on producing a diverse range of crops and livestock, building local resilience further.
Local economies
Small scale farms circulate funds back into their local economy and community. They employ residents, provide opportunities for the next generation and spend money with other local businesses. This creates a ripple effect across communities.
When considered collectively, small farms make up a huge part of the Australian landscape, and often in highly valued ecosystem areas. Their contribution to ecosystem function is imperative to soil health, waterways and native biodiversity.
Let us know why small farms count to you
We know there’s more reasons why small farms count to you and your community - the Small Farms Count survey aims to gather a comprehensive picture of the sector, to inform conversations about support and policy for farmers.
We’re seeking all ranges of experience, so wether you’re an established farmer, new to the game, just closed up shop or an aspiring farmer - head to the survey now.
The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete and is anonymous.
When you’re done, let us know why you think small farms count, tag #smallfarmscount and @young.farmers.connect so we can hear your stories.